Feng Shui For Writers
How To Master Your Life


FENG SHUI FOR WRITERS provides all the dots that you have to connect to control the flowing Chi for each writing category.

What is harmony for a romantic novel writer is different from what is harmony for a journalist writer, and for sure very different than for the writer writing for the horror domain.

To bring the Feng Shui technique into the writer’s life, it is not enough to merely explain general principles and ideas; we have to dig deeper because the branches of writing are so numerous.


Overview of Feng Shui For Writers


DON’T read this book if you coincidentally prefer to block your Muse!

However... if you "survive" the first four chapters, you are strong enough for the rest of the Feng Shui secrets.

Chapter 1

You don't Lack anything!

“When we came into this world, and we chose these human bodies, we came equipped with all that we need to handle this life. For some reasons, during our lifetime, we forgot this and due to environmental influences, we start to believe that we are not able to do many things. I include here the fact that we believe that we are not in charge of several situations and only if we meet certain expectations, can we solve many of the problems that we encounter on our path.”

Chapter 2

Who is a Writer?

“Do you somehow think that a writer is someone who writes books; eventually best sellers?

Wrong! Let me explain who is a writer!
First, let us see what the definition says: a writer is a person who uses written words in various styles and techniques to express ideas. Generally speaking, the world accepts the statement that a writer produces various forms of literary art and creative writing.

Chapter 3

What is Feng Shui?

3.1 - The principles of Feng Shui
3.2 - A little history
3.3 - What is Chi?
3.4 - The five elements
3.5 - Bagua

“In many cases, to understand what something is, it is easier for us to start grasping what that thing isn’t. When I talk about Feng Shui, somehow I find it inappropriate to start with this; for the only reason that Feng Shui can be all things. It is a concept, a technique, an ancient art”

Chapter 4

What is an Office?

4.1 - What is a Feng Shui office?
4.2 - Organizing your writing place
4.3 - Design your writing space to achieve your goals
4.4 - Decorating the writer’s office
4.5 - Tips for writing at home; Room dividers
4.6 - Tips for writing at your outside office
4.7 - Furniture for your office

“The writer’s Chi has to find a balance that will influence his creativity each moment.”

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Author B.J. Tiernan

This book has helped me to breathe as a writer. The philosophy is natural and life-giving and I learned a lot about what I can do differently to open up myself and my writing space. The illustrations are fresh and easy to understand. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who writes, but the philosophy behind this piece of work applies to any creative person and that includes us all. I highly recommend this book. (Amazon page)

Author Beran Parry

An engineer by profession, the gifted Ms Simon has brought her experience as a writer to the extraordinary connection between Feng Shui and the environmental influences that can hinder or enhance an author’s literary efforts. Rather than focusing exclusively on the domain of the aspiring professional author, Ms Simon refers to every situation where words are committed to paper - or rather to a PC or laptop screen!... The arguments in favour of Feng Shui are gently persuasive and, if you’re obliged to spend any part of your day in front of a hot keyboard, hammering out words and looking for ways to make the process much easier, we’d recommend most highly a visit to this book. (Amazon page)

Poet/Blogger A.K. Jean-Claude

There are a lot of strong points here, so I'll just shoot thoughts as they come. It has M.C. Simon’s signature "light" writing style. A lot of people have sent material they've written for me to read, and though I'm glad to do it I must admit I put on the back burner for a while. That was not the case with this book. Most other writing is "heavy", and usually by the time they are done making a point, they have an entire preamble you have to sit through. The writing here does a fairly good job of pulling the reader in… I think one of the most important things about a "writer" is for them to have a signature, or "vibration" that is unique to them.

Writer/Blogger J.R. Richards

The way my house is set up I have no free rooms to make an office so I don't really have anywhere to write and to write undisturbed by my kids. This book gave me some great ideas as to what I could do to change my environment and to make writing more easy and natural, it also helped me to remember to listen to my heart and add what I already like. (Website)

Author Adriana Yamane

I read the book in one sitting, and even if there are aspects that must be read again and reanalyzed, after one read-through you remain with a deep knowledge, very useful for writers but not only for them. The idea of analyzing the children’s desk is wonderful. My feeling was that in this book, M.C. Simon communicates heart to heart, and this made it very attractive. For me, it was a pleasure reading the book. (Amazon books)

About The Author

The first time when MC Simon heard about living a life of a writer was at around five years of age when she dreamed of an old woman sitting at her fancy old desk writing her memoirs. The dream was powerful and premonitory, yet no one related the dream to her future. However, when the dream came back, year after year, almost unchanged, her parents concluded that one day MC would become a writer.

The school years passed by, and MC discovered a passion. She developed an addiction to studying many subjects; especially subjects that were not taught in regular schools. It seemed that her path was to study all of the time, as much as possible, as many domains as her brain could grasp.

After the school years had ended, she followed the engineering route. She loved her job where she is still at it, but her soul was eager for more. Consequently, even if she studied all that she could in her technical field, her favorite realm was always related to energy... "playing with energy", as she loves to put it.

Now, after almost half a century since she came into her actual human body, she finally met the only one who could own her heart; her other better half, her Twin Flame. Together they decided that the time to share with the world what she has to say has just arrived. Stepping into the writing world, they both fell in love with it. They have understood that the real power lies in the writers' hands. Thus, one of their main goals is to help anyone who wishes to become a writer because the world would become more beautiful when the writers write.

When asked what her writing genre was, her voice whispered "Writing between the lines, that's my genre," after a few moments of abyssal silence. Yes, you can read her words several times over, and each time you may find other details to be aware of.

However, no matter what you may find at a specific moment in time, you will always feel her strong desire to share with you what we may have forgotten after our birth. We have forgotten that we are not these bodies, but rather the souls inhabiting them. Nowadays, more and more people have started to be aware of this, but still we tend to fail in remembering that nothing can stop us from using all our spiritual and physical gifts received at birth.

What you will always find in MC Simon's writing is the fact that we can do anything that we want to do... with only one condition; to really want to do it. Through her words, MC wants us to remember that we must always listen to our souls and analyze the infinite possibilities that the "universe" provide us.

MC Simon strongly believes that energy is ours to use freely, and we need only to open our hearts to regain the lost perception of our true powers. She thinks that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. For this reason, she's never hunted the information but rather waited for the right moment when she would be ready for the information to find her. In the same way, she knows that when someone needs her, the Universe will proceed in such a way that the meeting will take place.

She regularly blogs on MCSimonWrites.com, and always speaks directly to the reader's heart.

M.C. Simon

Writer, translator, engineer, researcher, project manager, blogger, eternal student... these are only a few words to describe MC Simon.

Find Details on HOW TO

To bring the Feng Shui technique into the writer’s life, it is not enough to merely explain general principles and ideas; we have to dig deeper because the branches of writing are so numerous.

Decipher what Feng Shui is and Why a writer needs it
Organize, design and decorate your writing place
Use crystals, colors, plants to attract your Muse
attract money and successful publishing
Utilize Light to influence the writers Chi
Influence your children’s creativity
Increase your writing productivity
Overcome the writer’s block
Boost your creative mind
Connect the dots!

Purchase Feng Shui For Writers

WARNING: DON'T read this book if you coincidentally prefer to block your Muse.

Kindle Book


File Size: 1778 KB

Print Length: 152 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: IML Publishing

Publication Date: June 16, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.

Language: English



Nook, kobo, ibook


Words: 27,220

Available formats: epub, mobi, lrf, pdb

Publisher: IML Publishing

Publication Date: Sep. 15, 2015

Sold by: Smashwords, Inc.

Language: English

ISBN: 9781311323088


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Should you need to contact M.C. Simon directly whether for sharing your stories and life experiences, ask a question, give feedback or just to say hello, send her your message. She'd love to hear from you.

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