All Posts Tagged: feng shui
5 Tips To Boost Your Writing Productivity
5 Tips To Boost Your Writing Productivity
Being a writer you need not only concentrate on increasing your creativity but also on productivity.
There is no reason for you to be creative only from time to time and not use this creativity on a long term basis which will in turn attract the needed success, and of course a good financial situation. No writer needs to be a hero who writes only for others yet starves doing it. Read More
Why would the world end without colors?
Why would the world end without colors?
Aren’t you tempted to go directly to the final answer here? I am.
Why would the world end without colors? Read More
How I met Feng Shui
How I met Feng Shui
More than twenty years ago, while all my friends were falling in love with their boyfriends or with an actor who was looking gorgeous in magazines… I also fell in love.
One day I was invited to visit the home of an old lady whom I was admiring a lot. She was always so stylish and no matter of the circumstance, an adorable smile was always laying on her face. Whenever I saw her, I wondered if she discovered the secret to happiness. Read More