WRITERS! 5 Tips For Your Office Desk
WRITERS! 5 Tips For Your Office Desk
Obviously, a writer writes. To do their best, the writer needs a comfortable place. Of course, as a writer you can write anywhere but if you are serious about it, you’ll certainly need an office. No matter whether you have an office you go to, or one at home, the furniture and its shape is very important for your productivity and creativity.
People tend to buy furniture according to what’s fashionable. While this is not the wrong criteria, you wouldn’t want to do it if your life didn’t depend on it. But… for you, the office becomes a sacred space. Therefore, you need to take into consideration many aspects. According to Feng Shui science, you have to be aware of your office Chi.
To Clutter, or to Unclutter… That Is The Question
To Clutter, or to Unclutter… That Is The Question
One of the most important factors that influence your productivity and the creative act is… the clutter, or better said the “unclutter”.
If you are really serious about reaching your writing goals, you must take care of this aspect. I know, you’ve probably heard it so many times that you are already feeling bored reading this again. OK. That’s fine. But… look around you, examine your desk and sincerely tell yourself that you have already taken care of this matter.
Free Your Mind To Fulfill Your Writing Goals
Free Your Mind To Fulfill Your Writing Goals
Excerpt from the book “How to Reach Your Writing Goals like a Pro – A Step by Step Guide to becoming a Self-Published Author” (Chapter 2: Step 1 – Declutter Your Mind)
OK. Let’s get started!
No matter what your goal is, no matter how easy or hard you may think it is to attain, the first step that you must take is to declutter your mind.
One of the reasons for which you still haven’t reached your writing goals, is the fact that all of what you’ve learned and heard about publishing your book or about becoming a successful writer, were implemented ideas that are now blocking their fulfillment inside you. Read More
How Your Desk Makes You a Better Writer
How Your Desk Makes You a Better Writer
Everybody knows that being a writer, it’s very important to have a good connection with your Muse. You can look at her as a form of energy that influence your mood and your creative mind. Read More
When Shang Tone upholds the Writer’s Office
When Shang Tone upholds the Writer’s Office
(Part 7)
The Shang tone is a solemn and magnificent music style, which transmits positive vibrations and cancels the negative around you. Shang melodies are heavy, like metal, unbending. Frequent listening makes one righteous and friendly. Read More
When the Kung Tone upholds the Writer’s Office
When the Kung Tone upholds the Writer’s Office
(Part 6)
The Kung tone has a simple and ingenious music style that transmits stable vibrations to fortify the foundation of the writing space. Kung-based melodies are classified as noble and Earth-related songs. By listening to such music often, one is made tolerant and kind. Read More
When the Jyu Tone upholds the Writer’s Office
When the Jyu Tone upholds the Writer’s Office
(Part 5)
Jyu tone has a rhythmic and lively musical style. It transmits vibrations to strengthen the writer’s inner resilience and inspire joyful feelings. Jyu music is highly emotional, like fire. It affects the heart and by listening to it makes one generous. Read More

When the Chueh Tone upholds the Writer’s Office
When the Chueh Tone upholds the Writer’s Office
(Part 4)
The Chueh tone is a gentle, melodic, ornate and expressive musical style. It transmits vibrations to activate the vitality and to create prosperity. By listening to this music you soothe the emotion of anger. Read More
Music Chosen by the Heart
Music Chosen by the Heart
(Part 3)
As we mentioned before, the best thing is for you to follow your heart when it is about making choices. Even if on a rational level you may or may not understand your choice, on a deeper internal level, your heart knows what is best for your highest good. Read More
Which of the Five Cosmic Tones makes you a Better Writer?
Which of the
Five Cosmic Tones
makes you a Better Writer?
(Part 2)
Music can bring miraculous changes to your energy and life. Being a part of your life, by listening to music, you can also influence the writing act. Read More